Thursday, October 21, 2010

Europe master Scholarship

Master Scholarship in Astronomy and Astrophysics at Erasmus Mundus AstroMundus Scholarships

AstroMundus is a 2-years Erasmus Mundus Masters Course ( 120 ECTS) in Astronomy and Astrophysics offered by a consortium of 5 partner universities in 4 different countries: Austria, Italy, Germany, and Serbia.

Its main objective is to provide top-ranked students with an excellent background in Astrophysics, to introduce them to the world of modern astrophysical research, and foster their future career in this field. At the same time, in the spirit of the Erasmus Mundus programmes, we promote cultural exchanges between Third Country and European students and academics.

AstroMundus students carry out their master studies in at least 2 and up to four of these countries, in a stimulating and scientifically excellent international environment.

Monday, September 13, 2010

National Programming Contest :: Better Technology Comes from Better Algorithm
Kompetisi ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan pemrograman komputer dan
mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuan siswa-siswi SMP-SMA-sederajat di bidang
pemrograman. Kontes ini bisa diikuti oleh perorangan atau beregu
sebanyak 2 orang.
...Pada National Programming Contest tahun ini terdapat pembagian modul
sebelum pendaftaran peserta NPC dimulai, sehingga peserta yang masih
awam terhadap konsep programming juga bisa belajar dan mengikuti kontes

Acara ini akan dilaksanakan dalam dua tahapan, yaitu
Babak penyisihan dilaksanakan secara online di website ini pada hari Sabtu, 27 November 2010Babak final dilaksanakan di Gedung Teknik Informatika ITS-Surabaya pada hari Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

bisa dilakukan secara online melalui website ini mulai bulan Agustus
2010 dan offline di Gedung Teknik Informatika mulai bulan September